So tell me KC...

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Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08

Sunday 6 May 2012

Global Warming

There has been a lot of people saying that ‘Global Warming is a myth’ whether it’s a myth or not are you really up to taking that chance??

It is a fact that the polar ice caps are melting and it is a fact that we as humans are letting off a lot of unnecessary pollution and there is a lot of encouragement to not drive your cars instead walk, to turn of all your light switches and unplug everything before you go to bed. Whether it actually makes a difference or not we shall never know but our children and our children’s children will, and it is out of fear that everyone does it, it is for he hope of a better life for your legacy.

It does effect animals more than us clearly, if its too hot, we pop on our central heating, if its too cold we light a fire, if its wet we simply close our doors until it ends, animals are not this lucky, they do what they can in finding shelter and some have adapted to malt there fur and change their colour to stay cool or warm up but what when it gets too bad??

This is an advert that has been on t recently about trying to sae energy, I think it is a good advert in the fact he is teaching his daughter about the issues, but there is also a con to this pro, he is putting all the pressure to make it right on her, it is highly based on your daughters or sons doing something which takes the blame of the parents and he is essentially saying ‘’we made this mess, your generation has to clean it up’’.

There is also this Advert which shows extreme conditions on earth where the animals cannot cope and cannot live, it is a very extreme advert and although I think it does make its point very effectively I do have an issue with this and that is that I believe that suicide is a self punishment. I don’t believe you can blame it on any one else. Which would be this aderts downfall, I know other people who have experienced suicide related situations and they did blame themselves at first but you learn that it is not your fault. This advert only works on the basis that it is blaming you for their deaths, for THEIR SUICIDES. Which I find disgusting and immoral, I believe no one should ever be blamed for someone killing themselves. If people have the same thought as me no matter how upsetting the advert is, its not our fault that THEY KILL THEMSELES. that’s the downfall of this advert.

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