So tell me KC...

My photo
Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08

Monday 30 April 2012

Official Websites Bibliography

- amazing creepy artists

- website full of gorily drawn things.

- video of one of there productions

- website of creepy stuff

- amazingly creepy music video

- website for happy tree friends.

- Tim Burton

- about Alejandro Colucci

- about Alejandro Colucci.
- Alex Pardee

- Blanquet


- Chelsea Boxsom

- Chelsea Boxsom

- Chelsea Boxsom

- Chris Mars
- Chris Riddell

- Chris Riddell

- Dmitry Ligay.

- Dennis McNett

- Elizabeth McGrath
- Astro

Anthony Ventura

- Ekundayo

- Matthias Seifarth

- Ericailcane

- Greg Simkins

Related video’s Bibliography

- polar bears falling from sky ad.

- animals killing themselves.

- saving energy advert.

- Alice opening cinematic.

- Alice American McGee.

- Alice walrus cinematic. (2 parts)

- mad hatter no time for tea.

- caterpillar

- mock turtle

- Limbo trailer
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom Game play

- eye candy by happy tree friends

- out on a limb by happy tree friends

- courage the cowardly dog

- Ren and Stimpy - a yard too far

- big baby scam

- Ren and Stimpy - psycho ramblings

- gorillaz video - Clint Eastwood

- spirited away pig scene - not in English.

- global warming,

- shark attack.

- catches a octopus in a kayak

Shark Attack Edit for Stupid People

- use shark attack video.

- shark bites finger - shows man interfering

- shark expert gets attacked.

- woman attacked by polar bear because she’s a retard.

- t show based on animal attacks

- man using crocodile for stunts (twat)

- woman climbs into polar bear enclosure

- shooting lions.. L

- panda playing but traps man

- girl gets bitten by lion while working.

- smart dolphin

Artist Image Bibliography

- images for Alejandro Colucci

- images for Alejandro Colucci

- images for Alejandro Colucci

- Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Alex Pardee

- image for Blanquet

- image for Blanquet

- image for Blanquet

- images for Brosmind

- images for Brosmind

- images for Brosmind

- images for Brosmind

- images for Brosmind

- image for Chelsea Boxsom

- image for Chris Mars

- image for Chris Mars

- image for Chris Mars

- image for Chris Mars

- image for Chris Mars

- image for Chris Riddell

- image for Chris Riddell

- image for Chris Riddell

- image for Chris Riddell

- image for Dmitry Ligay.

- image for Dmitry Ligay.

- for bookmark by Caitlin Hackett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Dennis McNett

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Elizabeth McGrath

- image for Astro
- image for Anthony Ventura

- image for Ekundayo

- image for Greg Simkins

- image for Kelly Dyson

- image for Kelly Dyson

- image for Kelly Dyson

- image for Kelly Dyson

- image for Kelly Dyson

- Matthias Seifarth

- Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth

- image for Matthias Seifarth
- image for Matthias Seifarth

- Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- image for Ericailcane

- Greg Simkins

- image for Greg Simkins

- image for Greg Simkins

- image for Greg Simkins