So tell me KC...

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Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08

Sunday 6 May 2012


I learnt so much from researching all these issues and it has really opened my eyes up to what horrid things are going on in the world. My research project shows very little of my faith in human kind and more my sympathy and love for animals.

All I can do is hope to continue with my animal project, whilst improving my drawing style and methods and see if I can make my illustrations striking and meaningful.

Research: I have learnt so much about these horrible issues that are still going on and truly make your heart wrench for those animals suffering. There are a lot of Charities and organisations doing the very best they can to help keep animals safe and in population, to stop the pouching and abuse.

Experiments: I have had a lot of fun playing around with imagery, playing with extreme and subtle tones and practising my drawings for both human and animals as they are my favourite things to draw.

I have been trying to expand my media skills by using a programme called GIMP 2.1 on my Laptop, it is essentially a free version of Photoshop that does the basics I need, you can resize, colour very detailed or in my case as I am just learning I am colouring very similarly to how I do by hand, one toned block colours with two others shades of that colour, one dark and one light. I do seriously want to learn more and develop new skills to the extent where I can colour confidently without having to second guess or ask everyone their opinions. My colouring is not amazing but I do intend to improve on that, I have found it struggling to use the computer as I was strictly black and white hand line work and working on the computer I have found it takes a lot longer than what it normally takes me. Even colouring by hand doesn’t take me as long as it does on the computer but I find I do get a more professional finish by using the computer programmes.

This image below for example, was an idea inspired by my research blog that I went on to develop into a proper final piece for my Final Major Project.

I love the textures you can play around and experiment with on the computer, for example the sky was done with a ‘jitter’ tool and it would be very hard to replicate by hand with simples paints or pen.

Animals drawing: I feel that my work is very gory and I wanted to try and make it appeal to a younger crowd so I missed out some gore and have tried to make my work more child friendly, although the two don’t entirely go together when your trying to get animal issues out in the open. It is getting to a era though where people are being more harsh and open minded with their children which could be a good thing for me to develop and get a hand into children’s books which I am now considering for my future illustration career.

I wanted to produce more final pieces and I need to work out a time schedule a lot better, I have a very odd sleeping pattern which is due to a medical condition and I need to figure out a working method around that that works for both me and my client, whether they are strict publishers and art directors to authors or advertising companies.

Over all I am not 100% happy with my outcome but I feel like I have learnt a lot and now I have a clear mind of how I want to go about illustration and in what path I can take for my career. My posters that I did manage to finish and finalise I am happy with and I am determined to continue and finish off my other ideas, whether they amount to anything to not, it is still good practise and possible portfolio work for future companies, I am tempted once I have produced some more finalised posters to send them of to animals help organisations like the RSPCA and help any way I can by giving out awareness.

I have really developed in my drawing style and before I would not have used a computer or even colour for that matter, but as I've been practising iv been enjoying myself and finding that my illustrations are more professionally finished up to a standard that I can be proud off.

I would of liked to have carried out a few experiments including the public, get there opinions on my images and how they felt about the issues, I want to aim abit more towards children to see if I can help them to grow up knowing these facts and learning about them, right from wrong.

I have made four books in the past 2 projects that I am very proud of as I had never produced or hand made a book before. Now that I know I can do it I am dabbling with the idea of writing, illustrating and producing my own books and publishing them myself.

I can definitely see myself continuing down this road in future, my pen work has come a long way, I am learning so much from my physiological research and trying to show them through my illustration, I think this could be a brilliant road for me to go down and I will definitely keep read, learning, drawing and producing.

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