This is an experimental poster about animal testing, this is my scanned in picture and then I edited it on my computer using Gimp 2.1 to add colour and emphasise the image each time so I had three stages, after reading my semiotics books I have learnt that there are three stages to a humans perception, I was really inspired by that and decided to make a more literal experiment stages..
1. Thought - what you think when you think of the issue, in this case being Make up testing.
2. Expectations - what your expectations are for that situation when you look further into it.
3. Reality - the truth which in most cases are devastating.
These 3 different stages run a lot in the state of a human mind but are often known as ..
An Oblivious state, a state of Denial and a state of Acceptance.
I am really proud of these final posters although I want to further edit them and add a background, they were meant to be just toughs but I got a bit carried away with them.
I didn't go for the too literal approach as in the lab's where they carry out animal testing they obviously don't have the final make up products like the lipstick shown here, it's all in tubes and containers and are squirted and rubbed into there eyes and shoved down there throats, but I was worried by doing that version that people might not understand what exactly the products were and so I made it a more commercial - visual image.
Number 3 is my favourite because of the over use (not exaggeration) of make up I got to draw, it is really upsetting to see animals being tested on such as the picture below and people need to realise the harsh reality. That is the aim of my posters.
So tell me KC...

- Deer Kacie
- Cheltenham, United Kingdom
- Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Paint it..
This is an interactive experiment where people can get involved and show what there perception of beauty and animal testing is, it's a test of heart and sights! To see what people do think about this issue, how they perceive it and what they believe.
I edited my monkey image putting black crosses over its eyes and mouth, to essentially show how animals are seen, it's a test subject, then I made slightly bigger to 'exaggerate' the make up amount and damage.
This is one of my favourite experiments and I think it's a really good way of showing awareness.
I added the over exaggerated hand with lipstick as a kind of curser so it makes it feel like YOU are inflicting the damage and pain. So you can feel more involved.
I edited my monkey image putting black crosses over its eyes and mouth, to essentially show how animals are seen, it's a test subject, then I made slightly bigger to 'exaggerate' the make up amount and damage.
This is one of my favourite experiments and I think it's a really good way of showing awareness.
I added the over exaggerated hand with lipstick as a kind of curser so it makes it feel like YOU are inflicting the damage and pain. So you can feel more involved.
Don't loose your head!
This is a rough piece for a poster idea for delicacies inspired by Indiana Jones Temple of Doom (see delicacy page).
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Daniel Racoon
Inspired by a fashion illustration featuring a Racoon wearing a Man skin cap, I wanted to play with making things more interactive so here is a puppet experiment that moves slightly, but it's head and tail comes off to become a hat!!
Demented Bear in a Book
This is a book put together from the demented bear experiment I did, accompanied by a hand made book mark featuring the full length image itself and a professionally printed guitar pick/plectrum also featuring the demented bear illustration, ordered from
Final Fashion Cruelty Book!
This is all the fashion illustrations put into one book, accompanied by a badge I made of the front cover image.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Ready.. Steady..
I know rabbits are fast, there is that famous story of the turtle and the hare and even though the hare didn't win we do know it's fast from the story. This advert is to advertise a car going from 0 to very high speeds very quickly. I think it's a clever idea but I don't like the exploitation and cruelty of the advert, it's showing you how fast the rabbit can go in a matter of seconds... When threatened or scared.
Spring cleaning
This advert is to get people to do spring cleaning, go out and buy products and hope too it, I like the animal and they've made it seem motherly somehow but it does has a slight seriousness to it as I'm sure anything does when an animal or human takes off its outer layer of skin for fur to be hung up to dry.
Pigs a plenty
This advert I find physically and mentally sickening, they have tried to make the pig sexy to try to entice you.. To eat it!!
It is sending extremely misleading and sending all the wrong signals, it is obviously meant to be making the pig look attractive, to look 'good enough to eat' but instead I find it creepy and perverse.
It is sending extremely misleading and sending all the wrong signals, it is obviously meant to be making the pig look attractive, to look 'good enough to eat' but instead I find it creepy and perverse.
Just a circus bear
This is a brilliant advert because animal cruelty is a massive deal when it comes to circus' and shows and in some cases they would ignore the law and keep the animals working, not in the shows but behind the scenes and thats why this is so brilliant, have the bear disguised as a bear so it is ok for a person dressed as a bear to work but he is being ignored and tortured. Makes its point really effectively and brilliantly.
1 sheep.. 2 shee
This is a very digitally well done image, thank god it's NOT a photograph. It is for caffeine tablets that help you stay awake, everyone knows the typical when your tired count sheep to fall asleep and I do not approve of the animal cruelty in this advert, I get the gist but I think it's unneeded, they've put so much detail into the Sheep's pain but the sheep never asked to be counted and they don't do anything to actually make you fall asleep so in this they are a victim who's been dragged into this for no reason.
This is a really sad and touching advert. It is for the RSPCA and shows about how if they could, animals would do anything to be kept from being thrown out like rubbish. They don't realise what they do to annoy people and they can't contact 100% understandably to say sorry or tell you there feelings or needs, and people loose their rag and do horrible things in return. This is a lovely advert, it's shows the cats fear and remorse and how judgemental and brash humans can be.
Going for a drive??
We all know the stereo typical image of a dog with its head out of the window, and this advert is about a car, this poor dog clearly has its toungu wrapped around its face due to him happily sticking his head out of the window when the car is going to fast, and that the aim, it's a funny image although cruel but it makes you laugh and thinks of fast cars. Exploitation at its best ladies and gentleman!
Play... Nope smell!
These dogs are known widely to be used by the police as 'sniffer dogs' they do a lot of good for people, they help un cover criminals and find missing people and I think this advert is good, the dogs facial expression shows that his job is tough, something in sure everyone can relate to, and in return he deserves something good and rewarding such as dog treats, which is what the advert is about. You really do feel sorry for the dog as no one should have to smell dirty undies.
FAUX warming..
This is a beautifully touching serious advert that shows real issues, it isn't exploiting animals purely for entertainment but is showing a harsh could be reality where global warming has gotten so bad this bear would rather have his fur as a cape than keep it for being boiled to death. Brilliant advertisement. Really touching and well laid out.
15 love!!
This advert is to advertise a tennis game available on game consoles, I understand that they have drawn out a tennis court to get more into the feel of the game but they have purely added the dog for comedy. I think it's awful that some adverts do purposely have abused animals in them to add some laughter, it is harsh that the dog got so little attention in this advert that he was actually painted over.
Also this advert tells you nothing about the game apart from; tennis.
Also this advert tells you nothing about the game apart from; tennis.
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