So tell me KC...

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Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08

Monday 23 January 2012

Elizabeth McGrath

‘’At midnight on my 13th birthday, I did acid for the first (and last) time. We didn’t really know what it was. My friend stole it from his older brother and it just looked like a tiny piece of paper. The next day, my parents said they were going to take me to the Wild Animal Park, but instead they took me to a Baptists girls’ home where a fat lady sat on me for almost an hour and an old biker man, Brother Palmer, told me I was possessed by the Devil. They carried me into a closet-sized ‘Get Right with God’ room and played religious tapes outside my door. When I was first in the room, I tried to talk to Satan. I figured since they were so into God, maybe Satan might be real too. If I was possessed by him, maybe I could channel his energy to start fires, have super human strength, or a legion of demons could burst me out of there. Plus, I think I was still feeling the effects of the acid. After being in there for almost three months, I gave up on Satan, became a Christian and they let me out of the room. I pretty much lived in my imagination the whole time I was in there. When I was released two years later, I started making things. It was the only way I could stay ‘’present’’ and not slip back into my day dreams. Today, the creatures in my thought still haunt me; I have to bring them to life or spend many sleepless nights obsessing over them. When I finish them all, I’ll be free.’’

- Elizabeth McGrath, from the book Juxtapoz Dark Arts, published in 2009 by Gingko Press, Inc.


I have a huge amount of love for this artist, I could look at her work for hours and hours, I think she’s fascinating and disturbing, and what make it disturbing is not only her sculptures and work, because lets face it, their creep but its also the story behind it, I love the story that these are demons she must free to the world other wise they haunt her dreams.

They are all oddly enough animal orientated! Which fascinates me even more, she has these amazing ideas and it takes a lot of skill to do what she does.

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