Igor is a creation made by Fran Knight, it is a simple plushie which turned out to be a demented creepy little monster whom only I could love, his mouth is made out of 'Super Sculpy' and moulded from the mouth of a badgers skull Fran's brother found in the woods.. Seems a bit more creepy now huh? I simply stabled his head together as his mushy foamy brain was showing, this fortunately and much to mine and Fran's pleasure and amusement created eyebrows and a kind of 'simple' expression on his gruesome little face. A simple experiment to show that even cute and cuddly creatures can be demented and scary.
See the pictures below to see for yourself, Igor pictured with me and Close up..
On a separate note Igor now has his own blog where he shares his adventures and shenanigans.
So tell me KC...

- Deer Kacie
- Cheltenham, United Kingdom
- Hello, my name is Miss K Cooke BA Hons or Kacie/KC. Art ~ Literature ~ Photography ~ Nature ~ Music ~ Tea ~ Mermaid ~ Cats ~ Cross Stitch ~ Yoga ~ The Sea ~ Crafts ~ Wonderland ~- ~ Daniel Koulikourdis ~ 08.02.08 DeerKC.illustration@gmail.com
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
These are two books I am reading to give me further insight into my animals in advertising project. One is about Semiotics - the psychological study of signs (Semiotics a Graphic guide by Paul Cobley & Litza Jansz) and the other is a psychological study about how we perceive art and imagery.. Or in my case signs - advertising (Ways of Seeing by John Berger). Il update with revolutions the further in depth I get into them.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Final close up.
This was a tad tricky as this top had a pocket which could have caused the ink to clump or spread but luckily it worked out ok :)
Playing around.
I also produced a second T-shirt which is an edit of one of my human development drawings. Woman being attacked by beard. I did the same process for this one as I did the Bear T-shirt.
Wearing it wild.
This is the final product after it had dried and been covered with paper and ironed. Modelled by my boyfriend Daniel.
Mad material mayhem.
I then mixed the ink together to get the shade I wanted, I went for a dark purple which I made with navy blue and lilac and white, then I added special textile ink so it is now machine washable, if it wasn't my T-shirt wouldn't last very long, I placed the T-shirt Over a board to keep it flat as creases could sabotage the printing process, I then laid the screen print over it and using the 'sqidgy' pressed my ink over the screen repeatedly then lifted the screen up which left me with my T-shirt :)
Mad on material.
This is the screen printing process, I have used the previous image, used cooking oil onto laser printed paper to make the paper transparent ready to be screen pressed, it was the put ready on to the pre made screens and into the screen print machine, when it came out I was left with this!!
Strange twist of fate..
In a strange twist of Fate slot of people have suggested that my image be a T-shirt design.. As I was toying with the idea of tshirt designs I thought I'd give it a go and edited image 6 of my experiment to be a but more tshirt friendly!
In the wi..ierd.
Last background import from Googles unowned images, this one has a grey scale effect which really makes the counting on the bear stand out and looks slightly foggy which adds to the eerie feeling.
In the wilder..
This background is a lot more dramatic and suits the image. It's gloomy, the blue tint adds a feeling of eeriness and horror.
In the wild.
This is the first forest import, I chose a forest near sunrise with a lot of grainy trees, I don't think it has the effect I want!
Pink around the edges.
Background experiment 3, I don't feel as if any of the brief colour backgrounds add anything to the bear image or do it any favours and so I've decided to import a background simply from googles unowned images which will be above.
Crazy in blue.
This is a brief background experiment to see if the colour of the background effects the mood of the image.
Colour me crazy.
This is the final image 6 digitally coloured on a programme called Gimp 2.6. I think adding the colour mad it more dramatic and effective as you can now clearly identify characteristics such as mucus and scratches and the eye now rimmed with red and fading from green to yellow at the pupil makes him look more crazy.
Image number six. This one is the final and has had bodily fluid added such as saliva and mucus, this is too make him seem more out of control, his teeth are now longer and curved with scratchs and indents.
Crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier..
Crazier and crazier and crazier..
Image 4. As you can see the eye is now bigger, the fur has become more jagged and the teeth have extended and curved.
This is image two, as I go along il be exaggerating features, darkening and thickening lines and adding tone and other gory things.
Crazy or what?
This is a brief experiment where I have taken a common grizzly bear growling and image by image editing it so it becomes more deranged and rabbis. As an experiment to see if the more scary or obscure an image is, does it get more attention?? This is image 1.
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